Each month Troop 14 offers an outing that all scouts are encouraged to attend. Attending outings with the troop is an integral part of, not only ranking up as a scout, but being a part of this great group. The more a scout participates in the troop outings, the more likely it is that a scout will find the depth of the friendship and leadership opportunities the troop offers. All events are free (included in annual scout dues) except for the Ski Trip in February, (not required for perfect attendance awards due to fees) and our sleep-away camp Royaneh in June. 

Below is a list of monthly outings with brief descriptions. There are volunteer opportunities for parents on all outings. Volunteer opportunities include, but not limited to: Trip coordinator(s), Chaperones, Drivers and Hospitality. The best way to better understand opportunities to serve and participate is to attend Parent Committee meetings the first Tuesday of every month.


This is the first outing of the year, in September. It comes up quickly so mark your calendars as soon as the weekend is announced. Ask your scout after his first meeting and check Troop google calendar. Often around the 2nd or 3rd weekend. This overnight always proves to be a great trip as the boys learn to maneuver canoes down the river and can work towards canoeing merit badge. All scouts are encouraged to attend.


The annual SRH outing in October is a camping trip dating back to 1938. (Read more about it’s roots under About Us/Traditions). The location and events during this trip always remains secret. This is where newer scouts learn about some of the Traditions of the Troop. All scouts are encouraged to attend, but especially our new scouts.


In the tradition of service, the Troop 14 annual monthly outing in November involves going door to door, gathering food from our community for the Food Bank. Flyers are distributed on the first day to to explain our mission and timing for pick up, and a follow up day is dedicated to picking up the food from those in the community interested in participating. All scouts are encouraged to attend and parent drivers are required to drive scouts around during the day and drive food to the Food Bank. Cub scouts are welcome and encouraged to attend this event.


In December, Troop 14 is lucky to have the opportunity to take a night hike in a beautiful nearby wilderness area. We bring flashlights and enjoy hiking under the stars. If lucky, we get an astronomy lesson is given by one of our scout parents. All scouts are encouraged to attend.


In January, The MLK is the Troops big backpacking trip, usually consisting of a good long hike over the long weekend. Open to all scouts to learn the wonder and basics of backpacking. All scouts are encouraged to attend.


This is a FAMILY event. This event tries to be scheduled in February commemorating the incorporation of the BSA on February 8, 1910. A Sunday that celebrates the troop's long 101+ year relationship with Calvary Presbyterian Church. Our scouts proudly serve the church community by helping pass the church bulletins, families bring sweets for the coffee hour after the service and the scouts sit together in uniform as a troop with their families. Please join us for the 10am service to honor our relationship with the church and learn about the service work the church does that your scout can become involved in.


The ski trip in February trip offers the boys a wonderful chance to ski/snowboard together. They stay at the historic Claire Tappaan Lodge bunking together with meals included and chores to help keep the lodge in order. Two days of skiing or snowboarding at nearby Sugar Bowl offers fun times and an opportunity for scouts to get their ski/snow sports merit badge. This is an optional trip due to the required dues.

Look out early in the year for specifics for our trip.

Lodging: Clair Tappan Lodge , 19440 Donner Pass Rd, Norden

Time: Coordinating car pools by neighborhood to leave Friday evening and return Sunday

Activities: Skiing/boarding at Sugar Bowl Saturday and Sunday. XC at Village Gorge available Saturday. Ticket costs to be determined closer to trip. Merit Badge: Scouts may be able to earn the Snowsports merit badge! More details closer to trip. Packing list:Ski and Boarding equipment should be brought from the city. Bring snowsports clothing, toiletries, sleeping Bag or blankets (fitted sheet, pillow case provided by Lodge). Meals: Breakfast and dinner is provided at the Lodge. We will pack lunch from the Lodge to take to Sugar Bowl. Please contact the Lodge with any dietary restrictions. Lessons: All ability levels welcomed! Contact Sugar directly if you are interested in lessons Sign up details will be announced closer to trip.


The snow camping trip in March is a unique opportunity the scouts get to learn and enjoy what it means to overnight camp in the snow. A short hike in, with packs pulled on sleds or carried in backpacks. The boys find a spot to camp and then enjoy building a snow table and helping some scouts dig out a snow caves to sleep in. All after some good old fashioned snow ball fights, of course. All scouts are encouraged to attend.


For this annual event, dating back to 1925 (read more about it under About Us/Traditions) a different service opportunity is selected each year. Recently we helped with cabin maintenance at Pioneer Village at the Boy Scouts Camp Royaneh. All scouts are encouraged to attend.


Each year, in honor of Memorial Day, our Troop joins with other local troops in the tradition of planting a flag on every tombstone at the Presidio Cemetery, here is San Francisco. It’s a beautiful thing to see row after row, the flags waving in honor of our veterans and their families. All scouts are encouraged to attend.


Camp Royaneh is the crown jewel of the Troop 14 scouting year. This is the two week summer camp up in Cazadero, where our Troop 14 scouts enjoy a huge range of activities with fellow scouts across the Bay Area. Camp is where they earn the majority of the merit badges they proudly wear on their full uniform sash. Merit badge sign ups will be coordinated at the troop meetings in the months leading up to camp. It’s a fantastic time for all our scouts. All scouts are encouraged to attend for BOTH weeks always held the last two weeks of June. To secure our place at camp the first payment for Royaneh should be made in the Fall of the year prior and final payment is due in January. See payment page to make a payment. Dues pay for all meals, merit badge counseling and camp facilities and at this sleep away camp. (Some merit badges have small fees, to be explained closer to camp).


This, sure to be amazing, wilderness backpacking trip—opening our scouts to the depth of our spectacular Sierra mountain ranges—has it’s roots with Troop 14 back to 1955. (Read more about it under About Us/Traditions) A strenuous and rewarding multi day long trail, planned and lead by one of our older scouts (with the supervision of one of our experienced Troop families) requires the rank of First Class or above to attend. All scouts should aspire to attend the Ray-O-han at least once in their scouting career.